Running projects
PROJECT TITLE: Cross-border efforts to prevent and eliminate energy poverty
Project duration: 24 months (01.12.2023 – 01.12.2025)
The common challenge addressed by the project through cross-border cooperation is to improve the knowledge and awareness of decision-makers and to increase cooperation between decision-makers and end users in the field of prevention and elimination of household energy poverty.
Around 13% of households in the programme area face energy poverty, consequently linking energy poverty to the risk of social exclusion. The programme area has also recently experienced a rise in energy prices, which further contributes to the problem of citizen’s energy poverty. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a realistic baseline and solutions for energy poverty: to obtain data on the ground and identify the level of households already experiencing energy poverty and those who will soon experience it. Energy poverty is a multidimensional problem and important challenge, which needs to be addressed by the key actors and decision-makers who can take concrete action. On the other hand, it is necessary to provide them with a starting point for action and to indicate possible solutions.
The project will contribute to reducing energy poverty through activities aimed at improving energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources in households.
- Local energy agency Pomurje (lead partner), Slovenia
- E-institute, Institute for Comprehensive Development Solutions, Slovenia
- IMRO-DDKK Nonprofit Kft., Hungary
- West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd, Hungary
The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Cooperation Programme Interreg VI-A Slovenia-Hungary.
PROJECT TITLE: ESINERGY – Empowerment of the stakeholders in the implementation of the Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources in term of energy storages and energy networks stability
Start Date: 01/01/2024
End Date: 30/06/2026
Total Budget in €: 2.508.094,99
Interreg Budget in €: 2.006.475,99
Programme: Danube Region Programme
Programme Priority: A greener, low-carbon Danube Region
Programme Specific Objective 2.1: Support greening the energy and transport sectors in the Danube Region by enhancing the integration of renewable energy sources Lead Partner Organisation: Local energy agency Pomurje (Slovenia)
Vezető Partner: Local energy agency Pomurje (Slovenia)
ESINERGY project aims to solve one of the key issues in modern energy technology, this is to manage the imbalance between the generated power and the load into the electrical network, which is not adequate for the forthcoming needs such as rising consumption, energy demand etc. Project will introduce the pilot approaches to reduce the peak loads directly in electrical networks, so that the producers could use the energy for own purposes (heat pumps, energy storages, charging stations, energy communities which can balance quite well differences of generation and demand) and support self-supply. Afterwards, the policy planning referring to peak loads will be improved through transnational strategy so that the measures could be replicated in other areas.
PROJECT TITLE: NRGCOM – Creating appropriate operational conditions for renewable energy communities in the Danube Region
Project website:
Start Date: 01/01/2024
End Date: 30/06/2026
Total Budget in €: 2.533.052,77
Total Interreg funding: 2.026.442,18 EUR
Programme: Danube Region Programme
Funding programme: Interreg Danube Region Programme
Programme Specific Objective 2.1: Support greening the energy and transport sectors in the Danube Region by enhancing the integration of renewable energy sources
Lead Partner Organisation: South Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency – Hungary
The overall goal of NRGCOM is to enhance the spread of energy communities by creating an appropriate environment for their proper functioning in the Danube Region.
The NRGCOM project builds on three specific objectives (SO) which are the following:
- Initiating the establishment of the proper legal, operational and social environment for RECs strategy (SO1)
- Raising awareness and encouraging society to create or join energy communities (SO2)
- Enhancing production and use of renewables through pilot testing in potential and existing RECs (SO3)
ASSET: Our primary objective is to support teachers in the improvement of their skills in climate education by empowering them with an innovative teaching methodological guidebook and related learning materials based on 7 thematic chapters, while also organizing training and workshops for them. Thus, we can enable knowledge transfer among the target group that will result in the improving quality of climate education in schools and the raising of environmental awareness of 12-14-year-old students.