
Erasmus+ Back to Nature: First transnational project meeting in Nagykanizsa

imro_20164On 5th December, international project partners cooperating in the Back to Nature project have been gathered in Primary School Zrínyi-Bolyai in Nagykanizsa to discuss important aspects of the two-year Erasmus+ project which has been officially launched on 1st October.

The meeting was an important occasion in the lifetime of the project since partner organisations – including the Primary School Zrínyi-Bolyai of Nagykanizsa (HU), IMRO-DDKK Nonprofit Ltd. (HU), University of Maribor (SI), Bilingual Primary School of Lendava (SI), Focus Eco Center (RO) and Primary School of Galesti (RO) – had the opportunity to get familiar with each other’s best practices and activities.

The main objective of the project is to help primary school pupils aged between 9 and 11 to develop key competences through a newly designed methodology which is based on principles of environmental education merged with experiential, nature-close learning practices. To do so, relevant educational institutions representing different levels (primary and higher education) and forms (formal and non-formal) will cooperate, share expertise and ideas.

imro_201610As a result of 24-month cooperation and exchange of innovative practices in terms of environmental education, a flexible and easy-to-adapt methodology will be developed and made available for anybody. Teachers (regardless their field of expertise) will be able to apply our methodology to ensure that their pupils will acquire new skills and knowledge related to a specific scientific field in a nature-close environment through using environmental pedagogy approaches which integrate interactive and entertaining learning activities.

The developed methodology will be tested in the frame of a 5-day training event for teachers from partner institutions and later on, a 5-day summer camp will take place where pupils will be also involved in learning activities designed according to the new environmental pedagogy. Learning content and materials elaborated in the Back to Nature project will be available on the project website.

E+logoThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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