HAPPY BIKE project – press conference in Letenye
On 26th of June 2019 it was a press conference and a closing conference in the „HAPPY BIKE” Hungarian-Croatian cross-border project. The project was implemented with the help of IMRO-DDKK Nonprofit Ltd.
The main aim of the project was to build on the Drava-Mura region’s expectionally rich and diverse natural and cultural heritage in order to generate economic growth in involved programme regions (Letenye, Grad Prelog and Grad Ludbreg) through attracting a greater number of visitors thanks to infrastructure developments implemented in the frame of the proposed project.
Within the framework of the project was built a cycling way (about 100 km) among Letenye-Prelog-Ludbreg. Beside it was built two Bike Centrum in Croatia (Oporovec) and in Hungary (Letenye), where the tourist have an opportunity to relax and repair their bike.
Duration of the project: 01. November 2017- 30. June 2019
Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Cross-border Co-operation Programme