Third StartUp Academy Project Meeting held in Romania
Between November 28th and 29, the Youth Association from Transylvania acted as host to the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting within the StartUp Academy Strategic Partnership. This is a two-year project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme and is implemented by a transnational consortium formed by five organisations representing five different EU countries (Hungary, Greece, Romania, Croatia and Spain). The main goal of the project is to develop and mainstream an accelerator programme for young adults with innovative business ideas in rural areas.
So far we already made a large-scale surveying in Croatia, Greece, Spain, Romania and Hungary to get a clear and complete vision on the extent of innovation potential Croatian, Greek, Spanish, Hungarian and Romanian young adults – with a special focus on those residing in less favoured geographical areas and we developed an innovative entrepreneurial training course which will be implemented and continuously optimised.
During the two days the coordinators of the project from each country thoroughly discussed the activities done so far, focusing on Level 1 and Level 2 of the innovative training courses that were developed based on the findings and conclusions of the survey. The participants to the meeting also discussed the difficulties and challenges that arose so far and strategies on how to avoid them and prevent them in the future. Another session focused on scheduling the next international meeting which will be held in Hungary in Spring 2018.
A last topic that was tackled was how to transfer the created training content of phases one and two to the MOODLE platform which is in charge of the Greek delegation. Here it is worth mentioning that unfortunately the Greek delegation was not able to attend because the person who was meant to participate got sick before flying, so this session was done on Skype to make sure that the experts on MOODLE explain us how the process will go. Beside all these project related activities, the delegation of the consortium also took a bit of time to visit the medieval fortress of Sighisoara.
In the next phases of the project we will establish an online community of young European entrepreneurs, where stakeholders can interact, exchange ideas or good practices, and propose new business initiatives. Then, we will provide support and business coaching services to young entrepreneurs.