
Campaign: In Defense of the Living Forest


Protection of rainforests is a highly relevant challenge not only for persons living in the South American area, but also for the humanity as a whole. Overconsumption in developed countries is likely to lead to the disappearance of rainforests, therefore we are also highly committed to raise awareness on this matter.

Native Indigenous Kichwa People of Sarayaku living in the south central Ecuadorian Amazon are fighting for several years now to preserve natural heritage of their territories. Recently, they have succeeded in preventing that a large oil company supported by the Ecuadorian government violate and destroy their territories. Their fight is reinforced through a wide range of activities including education, health, self-government, communication and recently they have implemented a new initiative through creating the Club Deportivo Sarayaku (Sarayaku Sport Club).

The “Deportivo Sarayaku” Football team has taken an important step, reaching the professional zonal championship as second category which is the prelude to professional soccer in category B. This experience began at the local professional soccer tournament of second category, where “Deportivo Sarayaku” had an outstanding participation by winning the Vice-championship. Moreover, through football they intend to reach people of different faiths and cultures, and transmit the message about the importance of preserving rainforests.

Is it possible to save the Amazon with sports? Of course it is. Football is the most popular sport in the world. The main objective of “Deportivo Sarayaku” Football team is to generate a broad and diverse space, where multiculturalism is a reality and that they can raise awareness about the importance of defending the Amazon, through addressing not only indigenous peoples but humanity as a whole to generate a greater awareness beyond traditional settings.

Interested in this initiative? There are several ways for supporting the work of Kichwa Sarayaku. Learn more:!strengthens-the-message-about-the-living/ck5f

(Photo taken and made available under a Creative Commons license by skifatenum, source: No changes were made on the original photo.) 

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