
Fair Play Football in Nagykanizsa

The First European Sustainable Development Week takes place from 30th May to 5th June 2015. This initiative, implemented throughout Europe, aims at informing and raising awareness on the main socio-economic problems and challenges which are likely to influence the future of our planet. IMRO-DDKK Nonprofit Ltd., in close collaboration with Káan Károly Association for Environmental Protection, has joined this EU-wide initiative by organising the so-called Fair Play Football at the Zrinyi Miklós Primary School in Nagykanizsa.

In doing so, we intend to draw attention to the persistent inequality and injustice between countries situated in the Northern and those located in the Southern part of the globe. Moreover, we aim at creating awareness on the ecological and social effects of modern lifestyles and ever-extending land use. The match also identifies problems linked to both, the climate change and global economic systems.

As Róbert Mustits, CEO of IMRO-DDKK Nonprofit Ltd., said: “Through the organisation of the above-mentioned event, children will have the possibility to experiment personally the globally persistent injustice and they could participate in decision making processes aiming at reducing injustice levels.”

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