
Impact and results achieved by the TREND project in Hungary


Ms Kinga Konya talked about results and impact achieved in Hungary

IMRO-DDKK participated in the TREND project final conference, organised by the Faculty of Agriculture of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek on 18th October, where our colleagues had the opportunity to introduce main results and impact of activities achieved by four Hungarian partner organisations: EUROPÉER Foundation, ECOsynergy Ltd. , South Transdanubian Regional Development Agency and IMRO-DDKK Ltd.

As mentioned earlier, the Erasmus+ funded TREND project aimed at at improving exploitation of renewable energy resources in the Drava River Croatia-Hungary-Slovenia Cross Border Region by carrying out trainings addressing local SMEs, NGOs, municipality opinion leaders and higher education students in order to equip them with all necessary knowledge and skills to launch a series of local renewable energy initiatives.

The project was extremely relevant for Hungarian partners too since the SI-HU-HR Cross-border region has very beneficial conditions in terms of potential for renewable energy resources whilst there is still a clear lack of knowledge among key actors and stakeholders on how to build up local community-led renewable energy initiatives.

Therefore, all four Hungarian partners actively participated in project activities including:

  • the collection and analysis of best practices in terms of renewable energy initiatives in Hungary (energy from biomass; energy efficiency measures and other RES activities)
  • the identification of skills gaps amongst Hungarian stakeholders (major weaknesses in Management and Innovation skills)
  • contribution to the elaboration and translation of four, topic-specific intellectual outputs into Hungarian language (i. Biomass to energy e-learning module; ii. Renewable energy technology e-learning module; iii. Energy efficiency e-learning module and iv. Project management e-learning module)

Hungarian partners also held a number of training events addressing SMEs, municipalities and NGOs in Pécs and Nagykanizsa.

Regarding impact achieved in our country, our colleague Ms Kinga Konya shared the most relevant results, as well as short, mid and long-term impacts achieved at four levels: in partner organisations, at stakeholder level, on socio-economic and policy levels.

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