
New project starts to preserve biodiversity in the Slovenian-Hungarian border area

With funding from the European Union’s Slovenia-Hungary Interreg Program, our company is participating in a recently launched project, whose aim is to preserve biodiversity of the Pannonian Plain in times of increasing climate change and increasing human pressure on natural resources. With the project we will draw public attention to measures that protect endangered wild pollinators. By developing a strategy and introducing demonstration measures (creating multifunctional gardens), we enhance the ecological situation and professional collaboration in the border area. With  awareness raising activities we encourage our target groups to switch towards a sustainable lifestyle.

The project started in July 2024 and will last for 30 months. Two partners from the Slovenian side participate in the project consortium (Rakičán Mansion Education and Research Center as the lead partner and the Rakičán Biotechnology Highschool). There are also two partners from the Hungarian side (IMRO-DDKK Nonprofit Ltd. and Zalai Területfejlesztési Ügynökség Nonprofit Ltd.).


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